Tuesday 6 December 2011

6th december 2011 : Busy busy busy!

Well everyone today has been a good day! Had an indoors day, as had a lot to get through, though a friend popped over and twas nice to see her. After last nights meditations I felt a bit more motivated and focused today (what I was aiming for). Got a lot of stuff in the house done, energy feels nice and clear.

I'm going to be doing a video blog on alters(well the first of a few on the subject) so keep your eyes peeled. Also if I find the time, I intend to write an account and share it with you, of my invocation of Samael, as well as an experience its a reflection  I've been wanted to write down for a long time about ceremonial magick and its effects on the mind

I was going to do it as a video but in all seriousness, it would just get far to drawn out by the end of it. Plus try to keep the taped rambles to no more then ten mins, this is one of these subjects I could talk about for ten hours(yes run away now lol). So a hefty post coming up either tonight or tomorrow. Depends how much more of this sodding essay I do

Anyway this birdy has a few things to quietly reflect on so until later, peace out and don't do anything I wouldn't  :)


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