Monday 5 December 2011

Urmm sorry about the glitch

Well first of all sorry sorry sorry I've not been posting. But its not been easy recently at all, my heads been in quite a dark place and  only recently have I been feeling a better. Where to start I suppose I know from where I left off ;)

Well the LARP was like a breath of fresh air and it was lovely to catch up with so many people and also get back to doing something I love and enjoy, really exceptional Sunday and well it seemed that when i got back that's when it all went a bit wrong.

I was tempted to write a post after I got back but I the post would of been filled with a fair amount of venom and not that pleasant, to say the least it felt like my world was ripped out from under me and toss aside like it was fuck all. Have never felt so disrespected and angry, kinda spiralled into that dark place and stayed there and thrashed about in my own maelstrom. Took me a while to get back to me feeling calm and good and back to the old bird.

This last week I have been doing my essay, ohh that essay, how I hate you. Organic nomenclature fine,even with the stereochemistry, though the thermodynamics when feeling quite demotivated and meh can be a bit daunting, especially when its all math based.I was supposed to be getting some support on the math but you know, not to speak bad but it never happened.

On the plus side, my magick studies are coming along nicely and also tonight I've done a lot of release and healing and well for the last 4-5 days have been feeling more like me, clear focused and driven.  Also I feel happy and well got a few things planned. I hand my essay in on Thursday so intend to do something pleasant over the weekend :)

Anyway you lot, new video blog coming up soon. Love, light and things which sneak up behind you in the night. Until the morrow....


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